It's fun to see how different my garden looks now compared to how it began.
I remember when I moved in and sat on my little porch, sad that all I had to look at was a bare fence and one little "eyebrow" flower garden in the corner.
What a difference alot of hard work and planning makes ....
I brought in Lots and Lots of compost ....
+ a found pallet to use as a trellis for the morning glories
and MANY loads of petrified rock left over from my Dad's backyard....
Can you see where those stones ftom the original "eyebrow" bed went?
(alternated w/petrified wood making them stretch the length of my bed & saving money!) |
Pinterest gave me lots of ideas for how to design an herb bed...
herbs planted between the stepping stones |
left to right: wisteria vine starting to grow on the trellis, squash and Peggy Martin rose
growing up the other trellis',
yellow pear tomato on the right with Laura Bush petunias growing profusely in the center! |
This wonderful red wheelbarrow was a "find" on the side of the road
on my way home from work one day!
It looks so cute with the winged begonia and cypress vine growing in it!
This is the back of my raised bed garden - filled with zucchini and yellow squash, eggplant, sweet potatoes, okra and cucumbers!
Thank you, LORD!
I'm working on that "bloom where you're planted" phrase!!