Saturday, August 30, 2014

No shortage of bees here!

I'd heard there was a shortage of bees nowdays. 
Maybe due to pesticides? 
Maybe fire ants? 
(they blame everything on the fire ants!)
But I was out in my garden this morning 
doing a little clean-up, 
getting ready for planting my Fall garden. 
I decided I'd have to wait until the early evening 
due to all the bees buzzing around my garlic chives.

They came for the chives and stayed for the okra!

In fact, they were gathering nectar from all over the garden!
Do I need a bee box now?
Honey on toast - YUM!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Gardens Don't Take a Vacation!

What do you do with your vegetable garden when you leave to go on vacation?
I should have thought ahead and told my neighbors to come over and pick anything ripe. But honestly, I figured that it might not rain while I was gone and I didn't want to bother anyone with having to water for me. Since my irrigation system needs work, I also didn't want anyone coming over to find dead plants in my garden.

But, thank the LORD, it must have rained while I was gone ....
the okra didn't know it was supposed to take a vacation ! 

Unfortunately, I haven't figured out what to do 
with foot long okra!