
Monday, April 30, 2012

It's the little things ...

It was a typical Monday - hard to get out of bed - hard to get excited about going to work - and no milk in the refrig  :-(  
But, it turned out to be a productive day at the office and because it was busy - the day went fast and before I knew it - I was headed home to see if anything had miraculously grown up in my garden.

To my suprise - I have blooms on my cucumber plants! Now I know this isn't earth shattering - but it's big excitement for me. It means that all my hard-earned money and time put into making this veggie garden hasn't been a waste - I have hope! There are going to be veggies growing in this bed someday!

And in the meantime - I have fresh basil and oregano growing! Click on over to "My Personal Garden" page (link at the top) and you can see the progress!

Here's a peek ..... 

                                                                    .... and yes, I did make those teepee trellis' !!

Thanks to my friend, Bill B., I now know how to tie a Boy Scout knot called a "clover knot" and how to lash sticks together

                - I think that's worthy of a scouting badge!
                  Do they give them out to Grandma's?

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks great!! How fun. Wish I liked the outdoors, but I'm not too good in heat and I've never liked wind... which we have constantly in the Rio Grande Valley. Glad you are blogging. I'll have to do some catch-up reading.
    Ladybug Creek
